Friday, November 13, 2009

Remedy for Insomnia

Insomnia! Don’t take it as an ailment. If you have this problem try out this natural remedy. Take one cup of kheer, made from sugar, milk and rice, or instead of rice any other ingredients, at night with meals. Add sugar only to make it palatable. Butter is optional. But without enough sugar and butter kheer will not be delicious. Remember, you take it as a remedy. And make sure don’t get addicted to it or don’t take it alone as a whole meal. One cup is enough to induce sleep. If you exceed the quota and excess sugar will cause harm, don’t blame me.

You can take sweets according the season. Pudding and fruit salads in summer, warm kheer in rainy season, sweet meats like ladoos, jalebis and milk shake in autumn and warm kheer in winter. Avoid adulterated ghee and mawa. Dairy products should be used fresh and hygienically. Old and and stale dairy products are equal to poison.

Five flavors (spicy, sweet, sour, salty, and bitter) are like five elements. Understand the benefit of sugar. Sugar is not harmful as you think unless you are a diabetic. Sugar has sedative effect but it is not like sedative medicines. Sugar will calm your brain and revive your nerves. So there is no need of sleeping pills or anti-depressants. Sleeping pills and alcohol will induce sleep but you will get up weak and lethargic in the morning. Sugar will not make you lethargic or weak; instead you will get up refreshed. I don’t think taking one cup kheer will harm or make anybody fat. If sugar is a fattening ingredient why don’t I become fat despite having a sweet tooth? If I eat an elephant daily I am not going to put on weight. Jaggery is more effective but if it is adulterated it is of no use.

If you don’t want to take sweets or you don’t like sweets there is an alternative. Keep some fragrant flowers that you like at the bedside table. Be calm and concentrate on taking the smell. The sedative smell will induce sleep. But it is not a remedy for asthmatics. Night flowers are white and rich in fragrance. The fragrance has a sedative effect and it spreads up to a long distance. It must be Mother Nature's way to put the earthlings to sleep and to keep the earth odour-free. Mumbai needs more such flowering trees. If you have the habit of too much thinking or daydreaming you will not get sleep. When you keep thinking the goddess of sleep will withdraw. It is like updating computer. When you keep working the updates will withdraw. Then it comes back as it is shutting down. In that case practice shavasana (yoga) when you going to sleep. A few minutes of shavasana will take you to world of sleep.

Though birds and animals get less sleep comparatively they are healthy and stronger than human beings. They don’t toil 24x7 like humans. They are active only in the day time; night is for sleep for them except some night creatures. They don’t disturb each other at night. When married couples sleep together they may disturb each other throughout the night. Human beings have to do something even at night. Hadn’t we have to do any work sleep wouldn’t be needed at all. We sleep when we get tired. After all, sleep is a best natural remedy for almost all the ailments. So sleep as much as you can. Have a sweet dream.