Tuesday, June 23, 2009

When Globes Warming

Recently I read this article in TOI titled Cows and Warming—Bovine diets being redesigned to curb methane emissions
Now cows are being fed a diet that will help them belch less methane, one of the more potent heat-trapping gases linked with climate change. Several farms in Vermont, USA, participated in an experiment that altered traditional diets of cows to include more alfalfa and flaxseed that will produce far less methane than a diet of corn and other current feed stock would. In fact, researchers say the new diet in a way mimics the cows’ traditional grass diet. Since the experiment began in January, the cows reportedly emit 18% less methane than they did before—I copied this first paragraph from the TOI.

Everybody is harping on global warming when their own globes warm up. But all are helpless in this matter. Actually no one knows how to solve the problem. Planting a tree here and there will not reduce global warming. It is not wise to plant trees near the buildings. The trees will take root into the base causing damage to the buildings. If there is a thing as global warming, we human beings are responsible for it, not animals. We do everything that causing damage to the earth, so complaining about global warming doesn’t make sense. We think we are protectors of the earth but we are not aware that actually we are destroyers. Hi-rises are rising like ant-hills and cover almost all the space. Soon the green cover will vanish. Why don’t people think hi-rises are not eco-friendly?

It is a phenomenon that the four seasons—the summer, rainy, autumn and winter come one after another every year. We need to understand how the seasons are useful to us. We need the four seasons for our survival. The summer brings the rainy; the autumn brings the winter. According to the Nature the summer is for drying seeds and grains and the rainy season for reproduction for plants and trees. The seeds that fallen from plants and trees start sprouting and grow into fresh plants in the rainy season. Humidity will increase after the first rain. This humidity is needed to seeds that lying in the soil to ferment and sprout into plants. In the rainy season the earth becomes greener. But the rainy season will not provide much food unless we cultivate artificially. So we have to store food grains for rainy days. There is a saying that the month of Shravan is a month of poverty. The dry airy autumn follows the rainy. In the autumn we get more food grains from fresh harvest and enough fruits and vegetables. The autumn is rainy or winter in some of the parts in India.

If the temperature goes up, if there is more rain and flood, if temperature goes down in winter it is considered as global warming. Temperature rising is normal and unavoidable in summer. If you think temperature should not go up, don’t expect rain to come down. Rain will not come without rising the temperature above 30 degree. When the summer heat melts, when get drenched in the rain, when the autumn dry weather dehydrates and the body shrinks in the chilly winter, we complain. Modern life makes us sensitive and intolerant and brings more sufferings. We want to have the seasons in moderate. It is not possible. Nature has its ways. Imagine how animals tolerate the climate change. They don’t complain. Animals and birds migrate according to the seasons. We cannot migrate because we cannot leave the place we own and our karma bhoomi. If we live like nomads we can escape from the Nature’s disaster. When we own something we are attached to it and we have fear of losing it. Shri Buddha said, “Human sufferings are an outcome of attachment.” But how can we live without attachment and relations. We owe to the Mother Earth but we don’t deserve to own anything of her.

Human race is started several years ago on this earth. Did ancient human beings have complaint about global warming? If we want to solve global warming we have to revert to the Stone Age or we have to live like our ancestors lived or to live like animals by Nature’s rules.

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