Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Donkeys, not foolish

It was a few years ago. I would go out for shopping in the evenings. One day when I was walking by the lane near our building a donkey was before me on the road to obstruct my path. Since it was peak hour the narrow road was jammed with vehicles without leaving an inch space to move along. The donkey was walking in a slow pace with its head held down as if it was ignorant about the surroundings. Fearing it would kick me I started walking behind it with its slow pace. What a lazy creature! I said to myself. When suddenly the road became empty the donkey crossed the road making use of the few minutes and with the same slow pace without turning its head and started walking by the other side to its destination. I was surprised to see its road sense. Other animals would run panicked here and there in the traffic. I thought why they call a foolish person donkey. I felt like announcing to people that donkeys are not foolish as you think. Surprisingly no pedestrian was to be seen on the road at that time. So when you call anybody ‘donkey’, think again. Humans may be foolish, not donkeys. They are silent sufferers. They tolerate cruelty of human beings. If anybody called me donkey I would take it as a compliment.

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